The Day of Rest,
here again.
Strange and unsettling.
Everything in me
wants to tackle tasks.
by unfinished projects.
about things undone.
To rest;
surely refreshing?
The problem lies
with why and how.
Called, maybe,
to self-indulgence?
To sleep and sloth?
A command
to plonk
to stare
at a screen or window,
to escape?
ticking away,
while I wonder
how to get this resting
over and done with!
Tomorrow, finally,
I can resume
what seems to settle me;
to be busy once again.
Why this queerness,
when it comes to simply rest?
Most of us, anxiety-driven;
shown up clearly
by the challenge of rest.
Could it be-
we have not yet understood
what the Giver of daily rest
is offering to us? (Matt.11:28)
7 November 2020