We, His Church,
are His alone!
He has called us
to follow Him.
Not, like Paul reproached,
following each other.
Or our denominations.
Just Him.
His Word.
His deeds.
His attitudes.
His prayer life.
His faith.
His compassion.
His hatred of evil.
His joy and humility.
He honoured women
and not controlled them.
He washed His disciples’ feet,
not have them wash His.
He did nothing
from His own will.
Only what He saw
the Father doing.
His actions –
the result of faith-filled,
at times
agonized prayer.
He told His disciples
to prayerfully wait in Jerusalem
for the infilling of His Spirit,
before launching out.
Making sure
they were Spirit-led
and not merely by good intentions
when fulfilling His command.
Why then
do we think
we can heed His call
without the same obedience?
As a result,
five thousand new believers
were added to them
in a single day!
Our impatient selves
struggle with the discipline of prayer.
We crave instant results.
Something to show for.
It also reveals our unbelief,
which we want to hide
from each other
and from God.
No wonder
that we see more and more
believers steadily drifting away!
And still, we are not listening.
31 August 2021