A while ago I was moaning about tax forms, hitting walls to do with the submission process to my self publisher, not to mention merging hundreds of individual files (poems) into one book, dramas with headers and footers and how to “switch them off” for empty pages, only to mention a few of the challenges that presented themselves during the publishing process! Finding an illustrator turned out time-consuming, especially to get on the same wave length, but also infinitely rewarding! Koraljka, the artist proved wonderfully patient with my requests and it became a joy to work with her and to see the final result!
Well, I am now waiting for the “prototype” (hardcopy) of my first ever published book! I trust that it will be the last draft and then – presto! The book will be ready for sale, both in paperback, Kindle and e-book format!
The next learning curve will be marketing. I have already taken some sneak previews about this process and it doesn’t sound like rocket science! It’s all very exciting and I have already a few books lined up next, which will no doubt be a much easier process to accomplish. I’ll keep you posted. Don’t forget to drop me a line on mamaluchka47@gmail.com.