Marketing for Christians

Marketing for Christians

I have written before about the issue of marketing for Christians (see  What I know is that marketing out there, in the big wide world, represents a mad scramble for supremacy!
That scramble involves massive amounts of cash to be invested in this effort, time, mental and emotional energy, with precious little time left for anything else, let alone creative energy!
Should the Christian partake of this in order to succeed?
My experience has taught me that, despite the best efforts, there is no guarantee for success. Yet, in order for our product to be found, we need to participate in the exercise of consistent marketing.
That involves understanding of basic marketing principles, the strategies needed, a wise investment into what works (more knowledge required), a supportive network and sheer persistence.
That said, I come back to how this process is different for the Christian.
In my case, I am a writer (obviously, as stated in the title of my website). I need to ask myself:
1. WHY do I want to write and publish (and sell) BOOKS? 
My answer is a) because I LOVE to write; b) because it is a GIFT that has been given to me and I need to use it and c) because I believe others can relate to the content of my books and get enjoyment/inspiration/help from them.
Anyone who has a product to sell should ask themselves a similar question. WHY do you want to sell your particular product?
2. Does your product fit your values?
I can respond with an emphatic YES! That is important! Otherwise, the marketing of it will be a hard slog. It is anyway, but much harder!
Lastly, (I am sure there is more) for the Christian, FAITH is the great de-stressor. We do OUR BEST and leave the rest up to God. Ideally, all that we do ought to be for Him and the glory always is His!

“If we as Christian businesspeople—entrepreneurs, writers, speakers—are doing things just for the sake of marketing, I don’ know how much God blesses that. Maybe He does, but ultimately people walk away from that type of platform because it’s self-serving.

We want to do things that outlive us and that affect people for the Kingdom. That’s what God smiles on and wants to bless.” Greg Johnson, Founder of Wordserve Literary Group

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