No Excuse!

I have been working on the publication of my poetry collection for two years now. Some of my friends seem to be wondering if these books will ever see the light of day. Some may even have queried (based on some of their questions) whether I am not using this  project to maybe secretely indulge in hours of daytime TV or some other vice (how well do they really know me?)!

The fact is; I have started this journey as a complete self-publishing novice. A novice usually learns through trials and errors and there have been plenty of those! I have attended so-called workshops, only to find that what was taught I already knew and only my purse was lighter!

Over the years, I have found that in my circles the fact of being an amateur seemed to bestow permission for mediocrity. I have never subscribed to that! I believe that whatever we present to the world, should be of the highest standard! We have a God, revealed through Jesus Christ, who is perfect. All his works are perfect, the Bible declares, and we are ” created in his image”. We may not reach perfection, as we are still “being perfected” but we should at least try!

So, as some friends (and I sometimes) may wonder: “What’s taking her so long?” I will persevere in my attempts to produce a work of excellence (not perfection), that hopefully will reflect some of my perfect God’s greatness!


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